Since the establishment of our company, we have adhered to the concept of "continuous learning and continuous improvement" and have participated in more than ten exhibitions.



Since the establishment of our company, we have adhered to the concept of "continuous learning and continuous improvement" and have participated in more than ten exhibitions:

Since the establishment of our company, we have adhered to the concept of "continuous learning and continuous improvement" and have participated in more than ten exhibitions:  

PTC ASIA (Asian Power Transmission and Control Technology Exhibition) 2014;    

PTC ASIA (Asian Power Transmission and Control Technology Exhibition) 2015;

PTC ASIA (Asian Power Transmission and Control Technology Exhibition) 2016;

PTC ASIA (Asian Power Transmission and Control Technology Exhibition) 2017, bauma CHINA 2017 Construction Machinery Exhibition;

PTC ASIA (Asian Power Transmission and Control Technology Exhibition) 2018, bauma CHINA 2018 Construction Machinery Exhibition;

PTC ASIA (Asian Power Transmission and Control Technology Exhibition) 2019, bauma CHINA 2019 Construction Machinery Exhibition. 
